How to Lead Through Change and Uncertainty

Introducing ‘Five Reasons to Raise Our Human Game’, our latest series of articles outlining the top five people challenges of 2024 identified in our exclusive research.  As businesses continue to face ongoing transformation and unpredictable challenges, it is essential to look at how human connection serves as an antidote to prevalent issues affecting workplaces across

The Rise of Employee Burnout

Introducing ‘Five Reasons to Raise Our Human Game’, our latest series of articles delving into the top five people challenges of 2024 we have identified in our exclusive research.  With 1 in 2 workers experiencing burnout, we explore how human connection serves as an antidote to prevalent issues like burnout and stress, which are affecting

Talent Retention and Engagement: How to Cultivate High-Performing Teams in 2024

Introducing ‘Five Reasons to Raise Our Human Game’, our latest series of articles looking into the top five people challenges in 2024 that we identified in our exclusive research. In this series, we discover why human connection is the ‘antidote’ to the rising issues affecting workplaces around the country, including unprecedented levels of stress and

Ways of Working Have Changed Forever: Flexible Working Requires a Flexible Mindset

Introducing ‘Five Reasons to Raise Our Human Game’, our latest series of articles delving into the top five people challenges of 2024 we have identified in our exclusive research. In this series, we discover how human connection serves as an ‘antidote’ to the prevalent issues affecting workplaces around the country, including stress and burnout. In

Raising awareness in mental health 365 days a year

October is an important month for raising awareness in mental health, wellbeing and overall work-life balance with campaigns dedicated to both. World Mental Health Day Every year on the 10th October, employers and the global mental health community recognise World Mental Health Day – an awareness day established by the World Health Organisation. It goes

How to Hybrid/Remote Work Well

Managing the mental health and wellbeing of people within a hybrid/remote working model by Sarah Mayo In June, I was delighted to talk to Adam Jones, CEO of Venn Media, the company behind Remote First – an online community for business leaders of remote first organisations. Our conversation was centred around remote first working and

The Power of Three

Three Year Reflections by Nicky, Siôn and Sarah This month we became three years old! Back in June 2018 we officially started trading as POINT3 Wellbeing delivering our first workshop to a group of artificial intelligence engineers, and it’s been a steep learning curve ever since! Why three is a special number…  1/ we are

How to manage the “return to workplace” phase

This time of change Walk The Talk with POINT3 Wellbeing

Managing “This Time of Change” by Nicky Morgan During one of our Walk The Talk webcast episodes, I chatted to Imogen Wall – Humanitarian Aid expert, Therapist + Mental Health First Aid Instructor about “This Time of Change” and ways we can look to equip people to manage and embrace the return to work phase

How to break the stigma around stress & mental health at work

Exploring Stigma around stress in the workplace by Sarah Mayo With many (60%**) who suffer from mental ill health saying the stigma, shame and silence can be as bad as, if not worse than, the symptoms themselves, and with 1 in 6 in the workplace suffering from a common mental health condition in any given

Is your workplace psychologically safe?

Psychological Safety in the workplace

Unpacking Psychological Safety By Sarah Mayo Two questions to start… Have you heard of the term psychological safety?  And if you have, is it a term that is discussed and modelled at a senior level in your organisation?  If you haven’t come across the term psychological safety before, a good place to start is to