Welcome to our building healthy habits hub.
This is a resource for you to return to during the training and beyond…
The seminar(s) gives you the POINT3 Wellbeing blueprint for building healthy habits.
5 Steps to BUILDing sustainable habits:
B – BENEFIT – identify an area in your life that will benefit from this programme
U – UNDERSTAND your “why” to maintain your motivation
I – IDEATE/IDENTIFY a positive habit to support your wellbeing area
L – LINK to an existing routine in your day
D – DESIGN the habit into your life through repetition, rewarding the brain and reviewing (and adapting if necessary) all the steps regularly
Part of designing habits into your life is about activating the brain’s “reward system” so that it rewards you with a dopamine hit… to help activate this, use our daily planner to check off and celebrate your daily practice.
You can download the daily habit wall planner here. This is designed to help you establish a habit through regular practice and time.
Check out our habit ideas here…
We encourage you to have fun experimenting with different habits. If something isn’t working… then change it up! By making small changes we can have a huge impact on our state of mental health and wellbeing.
Our habit ideas are categorised as follows (but as you will see they often overlap and one habit can often benefit many areas).

If play is your chosen wellbeing area then click here to view some of our favourite healthy habits to support bringing more play into your life…

If relationships is your chosen wellbeing area then click here to view some of our favourite healthy habits to support your relationships…
Work / Productivity

If work / productivity is your chosen wellbeing area then click here to view some of our favourite healthy habits to support your work / productivity…
Mental Health

If mental health is your chosen wellbeing area then click here to view some of our favourite healthy habits to support your mental health…
Physical Health

If physical health is your chosen wellbeing area then click here to view some of our favourite healthy habits to support your physical health…
If you have any questions, please email us here.