Are you future fit for purpose?

Our latest insights paper is now ready to download and digest.

And purpose is a red thread throughout…

The report includes the latest statistics and insight relating to wellbeing in the workplace along with the findings from our own survey of 103 people conducted at the end of 2022.

We hope this report serves as a valuable source of insight and ideas to support you as you develop and deliver on your employee mental health and wellbeing objectives this year.

Read the report to see how to maximise the ripple effects of mental health and wellbeing within the workplace (and beyond)…

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    At a time when unhappiness is at its highest ever level globally, POINT3 exists to empower people in the workplace to think, feel and behave to their fullest potential. 

    Gallup attributes five significant contributors to the rise of global unhappiness: poverty, bad communities, hunger, loneliness and the scarcity of good work.

    Research shows that if people feel connected to a cause greater than them – if they feel a sense of purpose and belonging – this goes a long way to help them be more resilient and less vulnerable to burnout.

    Within the report we look at:

    • Why wellbeing is business critical       
    • 2022 trends/symptoms of burnout
    • Our survey from the end of 2022 and the key take-aways
    • The relationship between wellbeing + engagement
    • What now? Where now? How?
    • Who? How? Why?
    • Mental health + discrimination

    Our summary

    At a time when budgets are tight and wellbeing programmes are difficult to justify if not everyone is engaging with them, what’s the most impactful way to help people prevent and reverse the effects of burnout?

    The number one reason people say they aren’t thriving is that they are stressed and have poor mental health – due to too much work and not enough clarity of direction from their manager.

    We can’t blame the manager. We need to train the manager. If 53% of managers are burnt out* how can they possibly begin to help their people fulfil their potential?

    Often managers are people who have been promoted into the role because they are good at something – which is likely to be a specific expertise, that isn’t managing people.

    Too few managers are given the training to help them manage their people to their fullest potential.

    So, if you’re looking to get the best impact for your people’s wellbeing, invest in your managers as a priority – give them the skills to help their people succeed.

    The positive ripple effects will then start to be felt by the rest of the organisation (and beyond) too.

    How can we help you? Our mission is to help people to stress less and smile more.

    When people feel better at work and in life, the ripple effects will be felt far and wide.

    Check out the following pages for more information on our manager training, mental health awareness training and other mindset training.