5 Years on – a case study in longterm impact

Making longterm impact

Julia Phillips, Owner, Founder and Event Director of Potting Shed Events

I first worked with POINT3 five years ago (June 2018). While I was interested in wellbeing for my team, the catalyst was that we had a large project looming in 6 months and I wanted to ensure that the team were as prepared as possible.

Working with Sarah, we created a monthly session that armed all of us with the tools we needed to combat stress and smile more. The team loved it and it was, by far, the best employee engagement we offered at that time.
Fast forward five years and that team has disbanded and gone their separate ways but all of them have taken the lessons learned and still use the tools and techniques that POINT3 introduced them to. 

All of us have taken a keener interest in our own wellbeing and, for me, the lessons have been invaluable, particularly during the pandemic. I cannot recommend the POINT3 team enough.

Julia has recently featured on our podcast Walk The Talk. You can listen to Julia Walk The Talk here.

How we worked together

POINT3 Wellbeing first supported Julia with a wellbeing programme for her team (of 10) in 2018, launching the initiative at their company’s off-site meeting held at Goodwood Hotel.

The wellbeing programme included a mixture of workshops around different wellbeing topics (from goal setting to stress management and the value of team work), and a few “surprise and delight” moments, as well as regular fortnightly email check-ins with wellbeing themed blogs, and inspiration to help keep the teams’ wellbeing at the forefront of their minds day to day and week to week.

Throughout the programme POINT3 measured the impact on the team’s perceived levels of stress and happiness, and overall wellbeing – the mission of POINT3 Wellbeing is to “help people stress less, and smile more” so perceived levels of stress and happiness are one of the key measures of success for the company.

The impact

Through fortnightly check-ins, a quarterly and half-year review and impartial interviews with an independent consultant mid year, the main themes that have come out of the feedback are as follows:

  • Perceived levels of stress lowered from an average of 8 out of 10 (10 highest) at the beginning of the programme to 5 out of 10 six months later, demonstrating a huge shift from fairly high levels to much lower levels
  • Perceived levels of happiness increased from an average of 6 out of 10 to 8 out of 10, again a positive shift

Other feedback that came through the surveys:

  • The team valued the investment that Julia placed on their wellbeing
  • The team loved the opportunity to come together during these sessions as a team learning more about themselves and each other in the process
  • They valued the chance to share and learn from people who know the events industry well (that’s us!)

But don’t just take our word for it… here are a few testimonials from some of the team who were beneficiaries of the POINT3 Wellbeing programme.

Team testimonials

“Since our very first session in 2018, POINT3 Wellbeing have continued to motivate and inspire us all to be our best selves – in mind, body and soul!

With fortnightly email check-ins and quarterly workshops, there’s no escape! We are constantly reminded to put our wellbeing first, aiming to be happy, healthy and thriving – a POINT3 mantra!

Working with POINT3 is a generously-supported work initiative but the skills and strategies apply to life. Their workshops symbiotically combine mindfulness and movement with topical, relevant wellbeing themes that are always well researched, brilliantly delivered and brimming with truly eye opening content. Ultimately, how do we stress less and perform best using tools to optimise performance. Themes are always backed by science (the science of flow, the science of tribes) and tasks that reinforce the message.

Short term and long term goal-setting also brings surprising initiatives to the table. Focusing on values, being guided on how to ‘own the day and the night’, moving more and being more mindful and therefore present in the day are all hugely beneficial techniques. The beauty is that these apply in the workplace and at home, and suddenly you find yourself ‘breathing’ at the traffic lights!”

 “What this process has done is to make us all more aware of our state of mind in any given situation and also to take stock of what is happening around us, how we are affected, and by using simple techniques, how we can change things for the better”.

“It is amazing to be part of a company who has the forethought to bring Point 3 into our lives to help with the stresses and toils of our working and personal lives.  The sessions have been enjoyable, thought provoking and extremely beneficial. Having Point 3 there to support us, show us tools and methods to help understand our situations and make our lives smoother  has been priceless. There are many positives that I could share but the main one for me is the sharing amongst work colleagues and how this has benefitted our working lives.”

“From the first meeting with Sarah and Nicky they were very relaxed, made me feel relaxed, and they set a lovely calm and safe environment to work with them in. I got great benefit from the self-reflection exercises and they made me take action within the areas in my life that needed a little more of my attention. I have really enjoyed being coached by them both and they have made me take a step back, review and plan for a better, more balanced future.”

Supporting Client Events

POINT3 also support Julia and team with their client’s events, through workshops and talks on wellbeing and mental health.

One such event was the first ever event we supported Julia with in June 20218. Read the testimonial here.

Read other case studies here and if you’d like to speak to one of the team for more information contact us here.