Meaningful Tech Connections
Welcome to week nine of the 12 week programme.
Week nine is focused on creating positive relationships with our technology… we’ve all heard the horror stories about how we spend more time connecting with our devices than we do with our loved ones. But do we really consider the impact of this on us, in both the short-term and long-term in terms of mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, and our productivity and performance at work and beyond?
Maybe don’t throw the phone away just yet, but consider setting daily limits on app usage and allowing at least 30 minutes of no-screen activity before bed, to help create head space for other things (including a good night’s sleep!).
Be inspired!
3 Minute Read
Easy access to technology can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse. In this modern, digital world we’re always contactable wherever we are, with different apps and people constantly vying for our attention. While it can help us to stay connected, it can also increase anxiety and reduce productivity. A recent study on smartphone addiction found that a whopping 60% of us feel too reliant on technology, with people spending an average of three and half hours a day on phones.
11 Minute Challenge
Week nine of the 11 minute challenge builds on the foundations laid in the first half of the programme…
This week’s programme returns to the first series of exercises from week three… tune in and note your progress over the last six weeks. Finish with 3 minutes of our guided relaxation to focus the mind and bring calm throughout the week. Try to build this short workout for mind and body into your plan at least 3 times this week.
We hope you enjoy this week’s content. Do share your progress by tagging us with #MoveMoreMindfully on Instagram or via email to