Wellbeing & Recognition Case Study

A long-term partnership with Sky UK

We’ve been supporting Sky UK with wellbeing initiatives across different departments since 2019.

Most recently we delivered a programme of training experiences for the team of c. 400 employees within the Customer Growth division of Sky UK.

Karen Swift, People Wellbeing Lead and Brand Experience Lead said:

“I’ve got a big haul of compliments for you at POINT3 Wellbeing  from myself and my colleagues at Sky! We’ve absolutely loved having you onboard working closely with our Wellbeing & Recognition people team to create an engaging programme of high quality, engaging and relevant seminars & workshops. 

Your courses are insightful, interactive & superbly delivered, and there’s been a genuine buzz and energy about the place from those attending, with satisfaction survey scores rating highly.”

And the buzz hasn’t just stopped with our department… Our wellbeing people programme seems to have set a best-in-class precedent at Sky HQ, with other departments looking to harness the power of P3’s employee engagement initiatives too!

Can’t recommend you guys enough! Thank you”

The brief:

Most recently, we were tasked to build on the training that we had delivered for the Customer Growth team in the previous year, focusing specifically on managers and their teams – encouraging meaningful wellbeing conversations and giving people the time, tools and techniques to support themselves and each other as people emerged from the pandemic. 

Insight from the employee engagement survey showed that people were struggling to bring balance into their days. The emphasis of the programme was to be on relevant, easy and impactful ways to find balance helping people to thrive, not just survive.

The subsequent programme involved a 3-tiered approach to cascade the training through the business division to ensure maximum take-up from employees and buy-in from their managers.

The programme:

We kicked off the programme with an introductory wellbeing session delivered to the whole business division focused on Finding Balance

This was delivered as part of a Customer Growth business update so that as many people as possible would be in attendance. 

It was further endorsed by the managing director of the business division who introduced and wrapped the session encouraging further legacy beyond the training.

The annual programme of support included a 5 week Building Healthy Habits initiative aimed at helping people to build healthy habits into their busy lives. Routine and daily positive habits (in the areas of sleep, nutrition, movement and mindfulness) are powerful ways to keep people focused, energised and resilient, so that they can show up in a balanced way for themselves, their team at work and their friends and family. 

Next up, we rolled out a number of manager training sessions (Building Resilient and High Performing Teams) focused on building their emotional intelligence and confidence around having supportive but sometimes challenging conversations with team members. 

In the second half of the year, the programme was relaunched and refreshed to bring back to the fore… under the campaign of #Take20.

20-minute micro wellbeing sessions were incorporated into the Customer Growth’s bi-weekly meetings further endorsing the importance of wellbeing division-wide.

Covering topics such as stress, resilience, productivity and growth mindset, these #Take20 sessions had 3 key takeouts:

1/ to highlight the power of a little – a little does go a long way when it comes to supporting your wellbeing at work. It can be easy to think – oh, if I can’t take a full hour for lunch then there’s no point taking a break or if I can’t go to the gym for 60 minutes then there’s no point. 

2/ Even 20 minutes – be it a break away from your desk, moving around, thinking about something other than work… will help you to be more productive and mitigate the risk of burnout. 

3/ And finally, it is backed by science. The most productive people can only do “focused work” in 40-50 minute blocks. Taking time to break and then refocus is proven to increase performance and productivity, as well as happiness.

Communicating the programme:

Communication of the programme was key to ensure maximum take-up and buy-in from all. 

A thorough and consistent communications plan was rolled out communicating the different training available for people and the benefits of the programme, further reinforcing the importance of wellbeing and why the business was investing in it for everyone.

The impact:

43 managers attended the manager training over 3 separate sessions. 

Feedback post training was as follows:

  • 8.5 average score out of 10 for positive impact
  • 9 average score out of 10 in terms of recommending the training to a colleague
  • 100% of managers said yes to this question “Do you feel better equipped as a manager to support the mental health / emotional / wellbeing needs of your team?”

22 participants took part in the Building Healthy Habits 30 day programme:

  • When asked “On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = low, 10 = high) please rate how much of a positive impact the training has had on you?” The average response was 8.

David Clarke, People Wellbeing Lead and Head of Retail Operations, Customer Growth, Sky added this about the programme:

From a series of quarterly work culture check-ins over the year, we saw a healthy increase in satisfaction levels relating to how colleagues felt Customer Growth effectively supports our employees’ mental health. 

Survey results started from 28% in Q1 through to an overwhelming 74% at the end of the year with colleagues feeling that the directorate ‘…effectively supports employee wellbeing with relevant and engaging wellbeing initiatives’. 

This leap in positive satisfaction scoring was largely down to the bespoke programme P3 devised and delivered for us. They listened carefully to the needs of our workforce and curated a scalable programme to suitably engage all employees, at all levels of seniority and availability. 

From the bitesize #Take20 wellbeing takeaways, to the interactive 5 week healthy habits programme and the in-depth people manager training, there was something for all our employees to benefit from and feel better equipped to cope with life’s daily challenges, albeit in a work environment or at home.”

Other feedback received:

Helped me consider team approaches to eg mental health, building resilience. Group discussions with peers were great to hear different perspectives and gather ideas. Enjoyed having time out of work day dedicated to this, in a safe space.

Both the trainer were incredibly encouraging and understand when/when not to push people for involvement – helps move the session along but also means that people aren’t pressured in to speaking.

I like the delivery style which had a good balance between encouraging people to participate but not forcing them to…especially in the second session as it felt like the interaction levels from the first session were taken into account (e.g. the group probably weren’t as forthcoming as other sessions you run and people weren’t forced to speak up).

I really enjoyed it and found the content very valuable. Great having small groups within a non-pressured environment over Zoom – not sure why but I think that being online made group discussion easier / more open.

Great trainers, well versed on the content, nice friendly approach.

If we can help you and your people with training, please do get in touch.