Remembering Your Why
Welcome to week two of the 12 week programme.
We know not every day goes according to plan. There will be days and weeks where life throws us unexpected challenges. This is part of life – it’s how we choose to respond that counts and helps to build our grit and resilience. If things don’t go to plan with your programme, that’s OK. Remember why you’re on this journey and make the choice to stick with it.
Be inspired!

5 minute reads
Our theme for this week is motivation – for mind, body and soul. In this two-parter we share some perspective and pointers on motivation with a blog from co-founder Siôn Stansfield, and our expert guest interview with Megan Swanson, from Just Breathe Counselling.
Everyday we have between, it’s believed, 60,000-80,000 thoughts. Thousands of little seeds that fly through our mind, many gone in an instant. But every now and again one of those thought seeds takes root. We water it a little to see if it is going to grow… Read more of Siôn’s blog here.
In part 2 Megan shares her perspective on the concept of motivation and how much like a muscle, the more you stretch the muscles of motivation and learn what motivates you… the more you will be able to control and utilise motivation to work towards your goals and successes. Read our interview with Megan here.
11 Minute Challenge
Week two of the 11 minute challenge continues to lay the foundations for the next 12 weeks…
The following four exercises will work all the major muscle groups, whilst getting your heart rate up. Finish with 3 minutes of our guided relaxation to focus the mind and bring calm throughout the week. Try to build this short workout for mind and body into your plan at least 3 times this week.
We hope you enjoy this week’s content. Do share your progress by tagging us with #MoveMoreMindfully on Instagram or via email to