Every Breath Counts
Welcome to week four of your 12 week programme.
Mindfulness is the art of being in the moment, on purpose, without judgement. When we’re in the moment we cannot be worrying about what has gone before or what is yet to come. Take time to really be present; during your movement sessions, cooking dinner, drinking your tea or even cleaning your teeth! Make mindfulness a daily practice however you can.
Be inspired!

3 minute read
Our theme for this week is mindfulness and the power of the breath to help us manage the every day stresses of life as we know it these days.
11 Minute Challenge
Week four of the 11 minute challenge continues to lay the foundations for the next 12 weeks…
This week’s four exercises will work all the major muscle groups, whilst getting your heart rate up. Finish with 3 minutes of our guided relaxation to focus the mind and bring calm throughout the week. Try to build this short workout for mind and body into your plan at least 3 times this week.
We hope you enjoy this week’s content. Do share your progress by tagging us with #MoveMoreMindfully on Instagram or via email to be_well@point3wellbeing.com.